The Duolingo English Test (DET) is designed to assess a candidate’s proficiency in English and is divided into two main sections:
Adaptive Test: This is a 45-minute test that consists of a series of questions designed to gauge a candidate’s proficiency in English. The test is adaptive, which means the difficulty of the questions adjusts based on the test taker’s responses.The Adaptive Test includes several types of questions:
Read and Select: Choose the correct option to complete a sentence.
Listen and Select: Choose the correct option based on an audio clip.
Listen and Type: Type what you hear in an audio clip.
Read Aloud: Read a sentence aloud.
Listen, then Speak: Listen to a sentence, then repeat it.
Read and Write: Read a sentence, then write it.
Speak About the Photo: Speak about a photo for up to 30 seconds.
Write about the photo: Write about a photo for up to 3 minutes.
Writing and Speaking Sample: This is a 10-minute test with open-ended prompts. In this section, candidates are required to write and speak in response to the prompts. The scores and responses from this section are shared with institutions. The Writing and Speaking Sample includes two types of tasks:
Speaking sample: Speak about a given topic for up to 3 minutes.
Writing sample: Write about a given topic for up to 5 minutes.
The DET assesses the candidate’s ability in four main areas: writing, reading, listening, and speaking. The test is designed using AI and Data Forensics Technology, making the test transparent and secure for every candidate.
There are five sections on the Duolingo test scorecard: Overall, Literacy, Comprehension, Conversation, and Production. All of these sections assess a test taker’s ability to read and listen on a scale of 10 to 160.
Duolingo English Test
The Duolingo English Test (DET) is designed to assess a candidate’s proficiency in English and is divided into two main sections:
Adaptive Test: This is a 45-minute test that consists of a series of questions designed to gauge a candidate’s proficiency in English. The test is adaptive, which means the difficulty of the questions adjusts based on the test taker’s responses. The Adaptive Test includes several types of questions:
Read and Select: Choose the correct option to complete a sentence.
Listen and Select: Choose the correct option based on an audio clip.
Listen and Type: Type what you hear in an audio clip.
Read Aloud: Read a sentence aloud.
Listen, then Speak: Listen to a sentence, then repeat it.
Read and Write: Read a sentence, then write it.
Speak About the Photo: Speak about a photo for up to 30 seconds.
Write about the photo: Write about a photo for up to 3 minutes.
Writing and Speaking Sample: This is a 10-minute test with open-ended prompts. In this section, candidates are required to write and speak in response to the prompts. The scores and responses from this section are shared with institutions. The Writing and Speaking Sample includes two types of tasks:
Speaking sample: Speak about a given topic for up to 3 minutes.
Writing sample: Write about a given topic for up to 5 minutes.
The DET assesses the candidate’s ability in four main areas: writing, reading, listening, and speaking. The test is designed using AI and Data Forensics Technology, making the test transparent and secure for every candidate.
There are five sections on the Duolingo test scorecard: Overall, Literacy, Comprehension, Conversation, and Production. All of these sections assess a test taker’s ability to read and listen on a scale of 10 to 160.